Saturday, June 29, 2013

Friday, June 28, 2013

Supposed to be warm

As the tempature rises, I hope it doesn't get hot enough for things like this to happen. It might have been close about 5 years ago on this date :) . Wear sunscreen. And if you get burned....... put some Aloe on it.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Another addition to the Adventure Time family

Gunter wishes my wife a happy birthday. Ice King is not as happy, cause he can't have her. Sorry guy.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

How many circles?

I admit, when I decided to make the chainmail head covering, I didn't really think about how many circles it would involve. I don't even wanna know.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The View

I can see a lot further from up here. I could get used to this.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Challenge Accepted

It's funny, when I did these sketches, I didn't even realize I was increasing each face by one each time (for the last 3 anyway). So here is the last of the prior scanned in group. I would like to keep up this style of drawing a group all together as one, but lets do better than just heads and faces. Get in some buildings, full body sketches, or environments mixed in. Just a thought.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

+1 (or, From 3 Heads to Four)

What I like on this one is how the nape of the neck on the center character becomes the cheekbone for the guy looking to the right. Well, my right.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

2nd Attempt

Not as many together as the last one, but at least they're all upright.

Friday, June 7, 2013

The things you learn


Here's a good one to start this series out with. The top image is how it appears in my sketchbook. I started drawing, and turned the page around as I worked, so the heads are all directions. As this makes some of the faces hard to see however, I rearranged the mass in photoshop for some clarity. The head sketches to follow this posting were all drawn as they appear, and I did not turn the page so they are all upright.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thursday Throwdown

It has been a few posts since I've done a single image, so here is one to break the gap between the multi-scan combinations. Tomorrow I will start posting some of the head sketches that are were all sketched out as a mass on the same page.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Working on a system

So with these posts since June 1st, the goal I am trying to set for myself is to be able to have something to post each day. We'll see if it keeps up, but so far so good. As the best way to reach it is with numbers, I will continue to sketch as much as possible, and scan in big stacks at a time. Then I just need to be diligent about making sure one goes up each day.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


You should listen to my wife sitting here, singing "Monster-Mash, they do the Monster-Mash". Its pretty great. She's bashful though and didn't want that posted. Oh well, too late.

Sunday, June 2, 2013


With these and the next few posts I am putting together, I have taken the sketches and layered them up. Trying to build some up together instead of just a bunch of singles. There are however, some still to come that were drawn as one, and I will note those.